The Challenge: This case study will show you how to produce in 3.5 days what usually is produced in 7 days while reducing costs by at least $10,000 USD on each in-circuit test (ICT) fixture solution.

The Solution: Combining In Circuit Test (ICT) and the EZ4000, which was developed with NI PXI hardware and software-defined instruments, customers can increase their ROI, productivity for at least 40 percent and count with the flexibility of having many different customer products programmed and tested on the same station.

Customer Testimonial: “We have been using one of these stations since the beginning of the year. It was a demo unit that Testing House Mexico provided us to evaluate in one of our most important projects. Before using it, the microcontrollers were programmed in the same fixtures we use to test the boards. Using the EZ4000 increased our testing/programming capacity 30 to 40 percent, which provided us the elements to justify the purchase of two brand new EZ4000s, to expand the savings using them on more of our board assemblies.”

Conclusion: Taking advantage of the flexibility and modular approach of the NI PXI platform and the graphical design capabilities of NI LabVIEW, Testing House developed a powerful solution for ICT applications that not only dramatically reduces the size of a traditional tester, but also cuts the overall cost by 50 percent, and increases the testing throughput by 40 percent.